
NAMI Fond du Lac Signature Programs and Support Groups

NAMI Signature Program Calendar

Below you’ll find a list of all of the support programs that NAMI Fond du Lac offers.  

Email or call 920-979-0512 to register/get more information

Support Groups

NAMI Family Support Groups

A FREE, monthly meeting of family members of individuals with a mental illness where they can talk about their challenges and help one another.

*NAMI Fond du Lac offers this group on the third Thursday of every month at 6:30 pm. Location 86 South Macy St. Fond du lac WI 54935.

NAMI Wisconsin Peer Support Group 

Offers peer support in a safe and caring environment. Each support group is led by trained facilitators who have moved forward in their recovery journey with the support of their peers.

*NAMI Fond du Lac will begin offering this group in person starting in October 2023. Contact us to get notification when and where this group will start being held.

NAMI Wisconsin Being Together

NAMI Wisconsin provides online support groups and classes for individuals across the state who do not have a local NAMI Affiliate or do not have certain support groups or classes provided by their local affiliate. This is a way to bring those in need of support together, regardless of their location. These support groups and classes are open to anyone in need within Wisconsin.

*Please contact us at NAMI Fond du Lac to see what classes and groups are available and how to get signed up.


NAMI Ending the Silence

A FREE 60-minute presentation designed for students 13 or over, teachers, staff, and/or families that includes warning signs, facts and statistics and how to get help for themselves or a friend.

*NAMI Fond du Lac offers this presentation upon event/viewer request. Contact us to get notification when this presentation will be offered.

NAMI In Our Own Voice

A FREE public education presentation that offers insight into the hope and recovery possible for people living with mental illness. Trained individuals living with mental illness share their stories in an interactive 45–60-minute presentation. Presentations can be done for general public, schools, community groups, faith groups, etc.

*NAMI Fond du Lac offers this presentation upon event/viewer request. Contact us to get notification when this presentation will be offered.

NAMI Wisconsin Hearing Voices Simulation

A FREE educational and awareness training to provide insight and a better understanding of those who experience auditory hallucinations, as well as challenge misunderstandings and stereotypes.

*NAMI Fond du Lac offers this presentation upon event/viewer request. Contact us to get notification when this presentation will be offered.

NAMI Family & Friends

NAMI Family & Friends is a FREE 90-minute or four-hour seminar that informs people who have loved ones with a mental health condition how to best support them. It’s also an opportunity to meet other people in similar situations and gain community support.

*NAMI Fond du Lac offers this presentation upon event/viewer request. Contact us to get notification when this presentation will be offered.

NAMI Wisconsin The Family Experience

The Family Experience is a program developed by NAMI Wisconsin to reflect the experience of family members of someone living with a mental illness. This is a 75-minute presentation for general adult audiences. The presentation can be used in college classes, community organizations, faith groups, civic groups, or academic settings.

*NAMI Fond du Lac offers this presentation upon event/viewer request. Contact us to get notification when this presentation will be offered.

Youth Programming

NAMI Ending the Silence 

A 1-hour presentation for adults with middle, high school, or college aged youth that includes warning signs, facts and statistics, how to talk with your child and how to work with school staff.

*NAMI Fond du Lac offers this program upon event/viewer request.


Middle school program that gives adults the tools they need to hold conversations about mental health with teens in faith-based or community youth groups. Raising awareness by sharing information and starting conversations about mental health is key in reducing these perceptions and increasing the likelihood that teens will seek mental health care when they need it.

*NAMI Fond du Lac offers this program upon school/teacher request.

NAMI Wisconsin Mental Health Chat

A mental health awareness presentation given to elementary-age students. NAMI Wisconsin has been given permission to expand the program statewide. The target population is 4th graders (3rd – 5th) and the presentation is given by someone living with a mental illness or someone who is a family member of someone with a mental illness. The presentation is about 45-60 minutes with a curriculum follow-up for teachers provided.

*NAMI Fond du Lac offers this program upon school/teacher request.

NAMI Wisconsin Let’s Talk About Mental Health

A fun, FREE and engaging video made for elementary age kids to start the conversation about mental illness. After watching the video with your children or class, check out our free downloadable worksheets to continue learning about mental illness.

*NAMI Fond du Lac offers this program upon school/teacher request.

Youth Extra Curriculars

NAMI On Campus

College extracurricular clubs that are student-led, student-run mental health organizations on college campuses.

*Reach out if you would like to get a Club started.

Raise Your Voice Club

Youth extracurricular middle school or high school clubs dedicated to increasing mental illness awareness, inspiring advocacy, and promoting acceptance.

*Reach out if you would like to get a Club started.

Educational Classes

NAMI Peer-to-Peer

A FREE course of 8 two-hour classes designed to encourage growth, healing, and recovery among participants. Open to any individual living with a mental illness who is interested in establishing and maintaining their wellness and recovery.

*NAMI Fond du Lac offers this class once a year. Contact us to get notification when this class will be offered.

NAMI Hearts+Minds

There is a clear and critical need to care for mental and physical health simultaneously. Understanding this connection and synergy is vital to overall wellness. NAMI Hearts+Minds is a wellness program designed to educate and empower you to better manage your health — mentally and physically.

*NAMI Fond du Lac offers this class twice a year. Contact us to get notification when this class will be offered.

NAMI Family-to-Family

NAMI Family-to-Family is a FREE, 8-session educational program for family, significant others and friends of people with mental health conditions. It is a designated evidenced-based program. This means that research shows that the program significantly improves the coping and problem-solving abilities of the people closest to a person with a mental health condition.

*NAMI Fond du Lac offers this class once a year. Contact us to get notification when this class will be offered.

NAMI Basics (OnDemand)

A FREE 6-session education program for parents, caregivers, and other family members who provide care for youth (ages 22 and younger) who are experiencing mental health symptoms. NAMI Basics is available both in-person and online through NAMI Basics OnDemand.

*NAMI Fond du Lac offers this class upon event/viewer request. Contact us to get notification when this class will be offered.